See our Event Calendar Here
Flapjacks and Railroad Tracks
A tradition at the railroad, Flapjacks and Railroad Tracks is the official kick-off to summer event. Guests can enjoy a yummy pancake breakfast at a very reasonable price. Guests can also enjoy early morning rides on the train and carousel. Standard pricing for the train and carousel apply.
Event Date/Times: Early in June; see our calendar for the exact date. Breakfast is served from 8:00am to 10:15am. All events are weather permitting.
Billy Jones Day
On Billy Jones Day, we honor the man who started it all by doing things the way he did on his ranch.
All rides on the train and carousel will be an open donation. You may donate as little or as much as you can for each ride.
Event Date/Times: typically late in July, see our calendar for the exact date.

End of Summer Night Ride & Pasta Dinner
Close out summer with our annual End of Summer Night Ride. Come and enjoy a pasta dinner under the stars and take an evening ride aboard the train and carousel. This event takes place right around the end of our summer season.
The train is $5.00 and also includes a carousel ride.
Event Date/Times: Typically the end of August, see our calendar for the exact date. Dinner is served from 6:00pm to 8:00pm.

Holiday Train & Carousel
Continue the tradition and join us for our annual Holiday Night Train. Ride along for the Wildcat Railroad through the enchanting Fantasy of Lights set up in Vasona.